Creative Director
Art Director
Product Designer
Product Manager
Retail Designer
Problem: The path to hearing aids is perilous (drama) for individuals 65+, there are too many steps and the lead time to clear hearing is at minimum a month long.
I'm spearheading Audicus' efforts to enhance accessibility and affordability of hearing aids. My role involves revamping the hearing test, developing a hearing aid simulator, ensuring brand cohesion, retail expansion and establishing design consistency across all platforms and mediums.
James is 65 - 70 years old and is highly educated and a researcher. Our team interviewed over 100 customers and found that 60% are retired and 65% are males. Knowing this information we knew that for most of our customers this would be their biggest purchase of their year and that they were trying to find the best deal for the highest quality.
Oh, James looks young? When I was casting for our shoot, exec wanted a non senior looking individual so here is James’ younger stunt double but its a nice shot.
Target User
I have been very fortunate to get the opportunity to work on all these projects from scratch. I created the new brand and with that was able to build the entire design system that would transcend our website, hearing aid simulator, online hearing test and all of our supplementary materials.
The greatest thing about working at Audicus is that the demographic has such auditory and visual needs that we were super invested in user research and feedback.
Brand Overhaul
Logo Design
Hearing Aid Simulator
Online Hearing Test
Instore Kiosk Design
Website Overhaul and Design
When I joined Audicus in spring of 2023, their brand was very elementary looking due to color and font choices, nor did they have any brand guidelines to adhere to. My first goal was to revamp the brand, ensure brand alignment across the org and create a consistent experience across B2B, B2C and retail.
Logo Redesign
Brand Book/Guidelines
Implementation of new brand
Color Palette
I chose a more mature palette during my brand overhaul because from user research we learned that people were confused by our brand due to the bright colors and elementary font choices, it didn’t feel professional or medical.
The old website used a “bubbly” serif as their primary font which didn't read very tech-y or medical so I switched it over to a sans serif that is highly legible and more on brand with our company. It is important to note that this demographic not only has hearing impairments but visual impairments as well.
Environmental Photography
I was fortunate enough to get to creative direct a shoot to switch over our environmental shots. I have learned from working at Audicus that customers want to see how subtle the hearing aids look and where they can go with them. This is a big departure from our old creative direction which was trying to show that hearing aids can still be “sexy”.
Hearing loss is an emotional loss. It affects every part of your life and reduces the joy that you once found in the little moments.
Product Photography
I work with an external agency to shoot all of products, flat lays and occasionally in hand photos. My goal for these product shots were to show how sleek this product is and the scale.
Our customer’s top concern is the size of our product so I try to show the size in relation to scale often and I try to show them in the environments that you might put them down at the end of the day.
I also run our creative shoots for the holidays, the one with the little figurines absolutely cracks me up but, sadly, it doesn't test well with our users.
P.S. I recognize that baby blue isn’t fully ideal for product shots but the background options that this agency has… are not my favorite so the light blue is the best choice
Audicus found out that they were expanding into retail and decided they needed to update their current logo and icon to improve brand recognition both in-store and online.
I was tasked with this redesign but maintaining our logo recognition enough to keep the trust of our current customers.
Objective: Increase brand recognition with both the logo and icon
Problem: People think we are a “scam” company so switching up our logo too drastically could negatively impact the goodwill we have built with our consumers
Solution: Alter current logo enough that the icon can sit within but also stand alone
Our old logo was close to where we needed to be so I knew that I had to find a way to make a twist without losing all brand recognition. Our old logo was based on the wifi symbol, I switched it to our hearing aids instead.
Without deviating too far from the original, I wanted to make an abstract version of the hearing aid but mimicking the curve of the hearing aid with the ear bud.
The New
When deciding on the new logo I was really determined by the icon. Whichever would fit the best within the logo but could also stand alone and reinforce brand recognition
Product Designer
User Researcher
Our hearing aid simulator was created in order to show people the type of hearing enhancement they could expect from hearing aids without having to purchase. We chose to work with an external recording studio who could effectively record the sound through a hearing aid opposed to doctoring the audio ourselves.
Objective: Create an captivating lead capture tool while selling individuals on the product
Problem: Our audio wasn’t very captivating and the script was lacking.
Solution: Design an immersive experience that both stimulates the visual and audio experience.
User Flows
How do we get a 65+ year old to interact with our hearing aid simulator correctly? The answer? breadcrumbs… and lots of them.
There were quite a few pathways to explore considering this would not only be a virtual tool on our website but also an interactive tool in a retail space.
After user testing, we opted to make it fully user controlled with no automation to ensure that the user is immersed in the experience.
In terms of designing for both an in-person and web experience, I had to really consider what could easily translate from an iPad to desktop. We have very limited dev resources so unfortunately I had to try to sort out a one-size-fit-all solution. Luckily, I was told that the in person experience was the focus so I went with the full screen experience.
High Fidelity
Since lead capture was the ultimate goal of this product, we had to sprinkle in lead generating screens between every scene. We used this opportunity to drop in fun facts about hearing and help sell hearing as a whole.
I had to include multiple visual clues to ensure the user understood that the hearing aid was on, including a hearing aid button and editing the video to go from blurry to clear to help guide the user to know that the hearing aid is turned ‘on’.
Product Designer
User Flows
When I started at Audicus, they had a pre-existing hearing test but its branding was all over the place and the user experience wasn’t very thoughtful. Users struggled to get through the exam, it was too long and it lacked any proper checks for anomalies/user error.
Objective: Allow those who don’t live close to audiologist take a reliable hearing test from the comfort of their home
Problem: People often times don’t trust online exams but also environmental factors can contribute to poor test results
Solution: Create an exam that has clear instructions on how to take a successful exam while leading them through a seamless test experience.
Print Design
Kiosk Wrap Design
Digital Marketing Design
Audicus partnered up with Sam’s Club to embark on our retail journey. There was a preexisting hearing center in Sam’s Club that we had to “take over”. Getting visuals approved by a company as big of Sam’s Club was a long and arduous experience. We ultimately were no longer Audicus in Sam’s Club but Sam’s Club Hearing powered by Audicus. We had to fully strip away our identity and operate fully within the Sam’s Club design system.
Objective: Catch shoppers eye and intrigue while they are shopping in Sam’s Club and encourage them to test their hearing or interact with our simulator kiosk.
Problem: There was another hearing aid company there before us who never staffed their cubicle and were very unreliable.
Solution: Create an eye catching display that allows user to interact without fulfilling committing to the hearing aid experience. Create avenues that allows the user to test at home or in store while offering our exclusive Sam’s Club pricing.
Product Designer
User Flows
Asset Creator
Art Director
This was a big project that I had to fight to get started. Audicus when I arrived, hosted their e-commerce site on a free version of Wordpress with nearly 100 plugins. We were unable to fix the smallest of things due to lack of dev resources and a disastrous code base. I realized the need for a complete recode when I was trying to implement my brand overhaul. Adjusting the font styling across the site required our “devs” (this isn’t shade, we just never had a real developer until a few months ago) to go page by page, section by section because there was no formalized style sheet.
Objective: Create a professional website that increased the trust of our consumer while creating a seamless user experience for the 65+ demographic.
Problem: We lacked a proper dev team and a few of our key stakeholders considered our current website “fine enough” although our tech debt was through the rood and editing the css sheet would break the entire website.
Solution: Create a project roadmap clearly defining the steps in order to achieve a website overhaul, collect user research to ensure that our changes met their needs and work closely with our sales and cx team to ensure that we were solving the problems they encounter.