Visual Designer
Product Designer
Graphic Designer
Problem: No one knows what interactive audio is and they do not understand the benefits of it.
I worked at Giide for 1.5 years and worked on a small team with 2 developers, collaborating daily while developing three coexisting platforms. Giide took me on with no product experience and minimal web design experience. I found my niche and passion at Giide and I will forever be grateful for them taking a chance on me.
I developed their studio and web embed from start to finish, updated their app, rebranded the company and took quite a few passes at their website.
My first project was the studio. This was a complex issue because I still didn’t understand the product. How was I supposed to guide the user how to make one of these things if I didn’t even know what this “thing” was?
Next was the incredibly frustrating embed which went through more iterations than I would like to admit. We wanted to allow our used to “plop” their creations on their sites or above their articles.
The brand needed a revamp because people believed that we were some elementary tool this forced me to create temporary brand standards that would need to be implement across our three platforms.
While implanting these new standards to the app, the company had a shift in direction which resulted in an app redesign.
During my time at Giide, I was given the opportunity to propose website redesigns three times but due to the ever changing product, none of my redesigns lasted very long.